Jun 30, 2010

HttpHandlers and HttpModules- simple overview

HttpHandlers and HttpModules



- If we want to inject some logic before the page is requested then we can use HttpHandlers and HttpModules. ASP.NET provides two ways of injecting logic in the request pipeline HttpHandlers and HttpModules.



                Client --------------------------------------------------------------------> Server(.aspx page)

                                 inject some logic here before req reaching to server


- Best examples are URL rewriting, authorization and authentication, stat counters, etc.,





- HttpHandler - is the Extension Based Preprocessor - injects the logic based on the extension of the page requested.


                Client----------------> .aspx


                      -----------------> . jpg or .gif



- when any client requests for file with extension ‘.aspx’, handler1 pre-processing logic executes.

- a class needs to be implement IHttpHandler interface and provide implementation to two methods ProcessRequest, IsReusable.





- HttpModule - is the Event Based Preprocessor

- HttpModule events







-Modules are called before and after the handler executes.

                Client --> Module --> Module --> Handler --> Module --> .aspx

-implements IHttpModule interface





Jun 21, 2010

Dotnet Remoting - Simple Overview

* Remoting is nothing but from an application we can call remote objects that is in the same computer or on different.


* Remoting is nothing but communication between two application domains.


* Remoting is nothing but cross process communication called Marshalling

* Two types of marshalling

 - Marshal by value(MBV): server creates a copy of the object and passes onto the client

 - Marshal by Reference(MBR): Client creates a proxy and then uses that proxy to access the object.

 MBV is better for small objects and MBR is better for large objects.


* A channel is an object that implements communication between a client and a remote object. There are two types of channels.

 - HttpChannel - formats messages into xml SOAP format

 - TCPChannel - binary format

 While creating server class that contains remote object, you also define and register one or more channels for the class and  associate each channel with a specific port. In the client, your code also creates a channel associated with a specific   port, and then uses the Activator class to obtain a reference to the remote object.



Remoting Overview



To build Remote application we need the three parts

1) A remotable object.

2) A host application domain to listen for requests for that object.

3) A client application domain that makes requests for that object.


How Remoting works ?


When client creates an object using "new" for remotable object, then the remoting system creates a proxy of the remotable object and returns the reference to the client. When the client calls a method of the remotable type it actually call the method on the created proxy. The remoting system receives that call and routes it to the server process, it then processes the request, and returns the result to the client proxy, which in turn returns it to the client application.


Channels:- We will use channels to communicate across application domain boundaries. We used channels to send and receive messages. Channels are objects responsible of handling the network protocols(HTTPChannel, TCPChannel) and serialization formats on your behalf


namespace used is System.Runtime.Remoting


1) Building a Remotable Type


- If you want to call an object of a class from outside of application domain, then the class must inherit from "MarshalByRefObject" class.



Public Class TheRemotableObject

    Inherits MarshalByRefObject


    Private List As String() = {"String1", "String2", "String3"}

    Public Function ViewItem(ByVal ItemNum As Integer) As String


        If ItemNum > List.GetUpperBound(0) _

        Or ItemNum < List.GetLowerBound(0) Then Return "Error"

        Return List(ItemNum)


    End Function

End Class



2) Building a Host Application


- When

- Using channels



What is an application domain?


Application domain is like an operating system process. Application domain is used to isolate applications from one another. A single CLR operating system process contains multiple application domains.


What is .NET Remoting ?


Communication between application domains


Which class does the remote object has to inherit?

MarshalByRefObject - If you want to call an object of a class from outside of application domain, then the class must inherit from "MarshalByRefObject" class.


what are two different types of remote object creation mode in .NET





Jun 3, 2010

Dotnet FAQ's

What is the difference between CLS and CTS and what are they.

3.            What is a NameSpace. Why do we need it.

4.            What is a GAC. And  where is the Location of GAC.  How do we register a dll in GAC?

5.            What is a GC (Garbage Collector). How it will work. How can we get back the object after GC collects?

6.            What is the Algorithm GC use?

7.            What is an App Domain? What is the use of it?

8.            What is a DLL HELL and How the .NET overcome it.

9.            What is a Cache and how can we Enable it.

10.          What is a Pragma Cache?

11.          What is the difference between Machine.Config file and Web.Config file?

12.          What are the Authentication modes and how the windows Authentication mode works.

13.          What is the NameSpace used for Windows Authentication

14.          What is the Authorization mode? How do we do the Authorization in .Net.

15.          Where we use the Authorization and what is the Name of the TAG is used for Authorization.

16.          What are the Unary operators?

17.          What are the difference between Execute Scalar and Execute Reader?


18.          What is a TableSpace in DB


19.          What are the difference between Stored Procedure and Function?


20.          What is the purpose of Re-compiled Stored Procedure and also Pre-Compiled Stored Procedure?


21.          How do we handle the Exceptions in the Stored Procedure?


22.          What is a Transaction and why do we need Transactions?


23.          How do we handle the transactions in .NET with Syntax?


24.          What is your Project Model


25.          Tell me about your current project Architecture



What are the new features of .NET 2005.

4.            How to Edit the Data in a Gridview control.

5.            What is the use of Object DataSource Control.

6.            Difference between the Object DataSource Control and SQLDatasource Control.

7.            What are Generics and Why do we requried to use Generics

8.            Difference between the Arrays and Arraylist. What is the most important advantages of Arraylist rather than Array.

9.            Assemblies. What are the steps to install the Shared Assemblies.

10.          State Management in ASP.NET what are the new State management features in ASP.NET 2.0

11.          What is the functionality of Caching. How to invalidate the Data in Caching without requesting the database.

12.          What is the Hidding concept.

13.          How to call the Base class constructor.

14.          How can we create the instance of the Abstract Class or Interface.

15.          We have a Base Class and Derived Class , how t o call the Derived class constructor.

16.          Differences between the Interface and Abstrct Class.


Jun 2, 2010

SQL Server FAQs

What maximum size of row is allowed in SQL Server ?

8060 bytes


What is referential integrity in SQL Server ?

We can enforce such referential integrity through foreign key constraints.

For an example,…

CREATE TABLE Table_Referenced 
id INT
CONSTRAINT pk_id PRIMARY KEY(id)--Create Primary Key here
CREATE TABLE Table_Referencing
CONSTRAINT fk_RID FOREIGN KEY(RID)REFERENCES Table_Referenced(id)--Creates foreign key names 'RID' which is referring primary key of Table_Referenced.id



This Statement turns off the messages that SQL Server sends back to the client after each T-SQL statement is executed. This is performed for all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements


How to pass table name as stored procedure parameter in SQL Server 2005 (Write stored procedure) ?

Create PROCEDURE Pass_TableName_As_Param --create procedure
@TableName varchar(50) -- Parameter of table name
SET @TableName= RTRIM(@TableName) --Trim the parameter of table name
SET @cmd = N'SELECT * FROM'+ @table_name


Maximum number of parameters you can pass in a Store procedure in SQL Server 2005?

2100  in sqlserver 2005

1024 in sqlserver 2000


What is the name of the Store procedure to get the listing of current users?



Difference between clustered index and non clustered index

The leaf level of a clustered index is the actual data and the data is resorted in case of clustered index. Whereas in case of non-clustered index the leaf level is actually a pointer to the data in rows so we can have as many non-clustered indexes as we can on the db. The Telephone Directory is a fine example of Clustered Index as data and index are at the same page, whereas index in the back side of the book is a fine example of non-clustered index and  non-clustered index is a fast B-tree structure as index just points to the data page. Also only one clustered index is possible per table and 249 non-clustered index per table.


What is trigger?

Triggers are special types of stored procedures allows us to execute a batch of SQL code when either an insert, update or delete command is executed against a specific table.

There are four types of triggers.

1. Insert  2. Delete  3. Update  4. Instead of


What is constraints?

SQL Server users constraints to enforce limitations on the data that can be entered into a particular column in table. There are following types of constraints.

Unique, Default, Check, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Not Null.


What is the difference between Truncate and Delete?

Delete command removes the rows from a table based on the

condition that we provide with a WHERE clause. Truncate will

actually remove all the rows from a table. Delete Command require Log file updation for each row of deleting process. But the Truncate command not. Truncate will fail if the concerned table has foreign key constraints while delete doesnt.


What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?

Both primary key and unique enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default primary key creates a clustered index on the column, where are unique creates a nonclustered index by default. Another major difference is that, primary key doesn't allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only.



Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability


Atomicity is an all-or-none proposition.

Consistency guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state.

Isolation keeps transactions separated from each other until they’re finished.

Durability guarantees that the database will keep track of pending changes in such a way that the server can recover from an abnormal termination.


Difference Between Implict Transaction And Explict Transaction

Implicit Transaction is the auto commit. There is no beginning or ending of the transaction.

Explicit Transaction has the beginning, ending and rollback of transactions with the command
Begin Transaction
Commit Transaction and
Rollback Transation
In the explicit transaction, if an error occurs in between we can rollback to the begining of the transaction which cannot be done in implicit transaction.


How to change Database name in SQL Server?

Use following code

Supported in SQL Server 2000 and 2005
exec sp_renamedb "test", "test1"

Supported in SQL Server 2005 and later version
ALTER Database "test1" Modify Name="test"


What is #temp table and @table variable in SQL Server?

#temp - is created and populated on disk, in the system database tempdb. Generally, the table gets cleared up automatically when the current procedure goes out of scope, however, we should manually clean up the data when we are done with it.

-- create temporary table

CREATE TABLE #myTempTable (
AutoID int,
MyName char(50) )

-- populate temporary table
INSERT INTO #myTempTable (AutoID, MyName )
SELECT  AutoID, MyName 
FROM     myOriginalTable
WHERE   AutoID <= 50000

-- Drop temporary table

drop table #myTempTable 


@table variable
table variable is similar to temporary table except with more flexibility. It is not physically stored in the hard disk, it is stored in the memory. We should choose this when we need to store less 100 records.


AutoID int,
myName char(50) )

INSERT INTO @myTable (AutoID, myName )
SELECT  YakID, YakName
FROM     myTable
WHERE   AutoID <= 50

We don't need to drop the @temp variable as this is created inside the memory and automatically disposed when scope finishes.


How to return XML in SQL Server?

We can use FOR XML statement at the end of the query to return xml data from the SQL Server.

select * from mytable for xml auto

There are three mode of returning XML and they are auto, raw and explicit


What is OPENXML in SQL Server?

OPENXML can parse the xml data in SQL server very efficiently in SQL Server. OpenXML primarily gives the ability to insert XML data to the relational database, however we can query the data too using OpenXML. We need to specify the path of the xml element using xpath.


DECLARE @index int
DECLARE @xmlString varchar(8000)
SET @xmlString ='<Persons>
    <Person id="1">
    <Person id="2">


EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @index OUTPUT, @xmlString 

FROM OPENXML (@index, 'Persons/Person')
WITH (id Varchar(10), Name varchar(100) 'Name' , PhoneNo Varchar(50) 'PhoneNo')

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @index

The above code snippet will give following result.
1 Mohan 34343
2 Sita 23432


What is the use of COALESCE in SQL Server?

Coalesce returns the first non-null expression among its arguments.

Lets say we have to return a non-null from more than one column, then we can use COALESCE function.

SELECT COALESCE(hourly_wage, salary, commission) AS 'Total Salary' FROM wages

In this case,

If hourly_wage is not null and other two columns are null then hourly_wage will be returned.
If hourly_wage, commission are null and salary is not null then salary will be returned.
If commission is non-null and other two columns are null then commission will be returned.


What is cursor in SQL Server?

A cursor is a set of rows together with a pointer that identifies a current row.

In other word, Cursor is a database object used by applications to manipulate data in a set on a row-by-row basis, its like recordset in the ASP and visual basic.

Typical syntax of cursor is

DECLARE @fName varchar(50), @lName varchar(50)
DECLARE cursorName CURSOR -- Declare cursor
Select firstName, lastName FROM myTable
OPEN cursorName -- open the cursor
   INTO @fName, @lName
   PRINT @fName + ' ' + @lName -- print the name
   FETCH NEXT FROM cursorName
   INTO @fName, @lName
   PRINT @fName + ' ' + @lName -- print the name
CLOSE cursorName -- close the cursor
DEALLOCATE cursorName -- Deallocate the cursor


DESCRIBE is used to see table structure


How you can get the last identity value inserted in any table ?



What is the maximum size of an SQL Server 2000 Database?

1,048,516 TB


how many database can be created on MSSQL Server 2000



What is the use of @@TRANCOUNT in SQL Server?

Returns the number of active transactions for the current connection.


What is the maximum limit for Primary Key?

10 fields in MS Acces
900 Bytes in SQL Server


Where do you think the users names and passwords will be stored in sql server?

They get stored in master db in the sysxlogins table.


What is Log Shipping?

log shipping to feed transaction logs from one database to another


What Is DTS?

DTS is a set of tools you can use to import, export, and transform heterogeneous data between one or more data sources, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Access. Connectivity is provided through OLE DB, an open-standard for data access. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data sources are supported through the OLE DB Provider for ODBC.


What is a tuple?

A tuple is an instance of data within a relational database.


What are three SQL keywords used to change or set someone’s permissions?

Grant, Deny and Revoke


How to get GUID in sql server?

select newid().


Can we create a Foreign Key with out Primary Key?

Yes. If the table has Unique Key then it is posible to create a Foreign key constraint


Difference between varchar and char:

varchar are variable length strings with a maximum length specified. If a string is less than the maximum length, then it is stored verbatim without any extra characters.
char are fixed length strings with a set length specified. If a string is less than the set length, then it is padded with extra characters so that it's length is the set length.


What is the use of Keyword WITH ENCRYPTION keyword in SQL Server?

WITH ENCRYPTION keyword is used to encrypt the text of the Stored Procedure


Microsoft SQL Server's default protocol

Named Pipes


What are the disadvantages/limitation of the cursor?

Cursor requires a network roundtrip each time it fetches a record, thus consume network resources.
While data processing, it issues locks on part of the table, or on the whole table.


The maximum number of columns a table can have in SQL Server?



38) How to Get SQL Server Version ?




39) What is the Max length of varchar variable in SQL Server?



40) What is the Max Length of nVarchar in SQL Server?



41) What is 'Self-referencing' tables in SQL Server ?

A FOREIGN KEY constraint can reference columns within the same table (a table itself).


42) DEFAULT definitions cannot be created on columns defined with the following DATA TYPE ?



43) What is the Max length of varchar variable in SQL Server?



44) Number of PRIMARY KEY/FOREIGN KEY Constraints in a Table in SQL Server 2005/2008 ?



45) How Can we Write the Transaction Block in SQL Server?


Statement 1
Statement 2


46) What is the page size in SQL Server?



47) How do you determine the maximum nested-level of Stored Procedure ?

The current nested level can be determine by : @@NESTLEVEL, The maximum nested level is 32 .


48) Which Function is used to count more than two billion rows in a table?

COUNT_BIG function - is identical to the COUNT function, but returns a BIGINT data type, whereas COUNT returns an INT


49) SQL Server allows for only 10 levels of nesting in CASE expressions.


50) Is it possible to create Cluster Index on Unique Key Column?



51)How to Get nth Record in a Table?

First Get the n records fron the table using

Select Top n FROM UserTable
Now Reverse the Order using identity Column like:
Select Top n FROM UserTable Order By 1 DESC

Now we need nth record that can be get as
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM (Select Top n FROM UserTable Order By 1 DESC)AC

For Example i need to get 5th record From userTable then quey will be like this:



52) Can we use Truncate command on a table which is referenced by FOREIGN KEY?



53) What is a table called, if it has no Cluster Index?



54) How we can get the List of System Tables in DataBase?

select * from Sys.Objects where Type='s'


55) How we can generate Random number in SQL Server?

Select NEWID()


56) How We can Get List of Store Procedures?

select * from Sys.Objects where Type='p'


57) How we can Get List of Triggers?

select * from Sys.Objects where Type='tr'


58) Query to Select n Rendom Records From a Table in the Database?



59) Query to Get List of Views?

select * from information_schema.views


61) What is the name of store procedure to send Email using SQL Server 2005/2008?

sp_send_dbmail in msdb database can be used to send email using SQL Server 2005/2008



SQL Server Basics



RDBMS = DBMS + Referential Integrity


SQLServer 2000 vs SQLServer 2005


-       In SQL Server 2000 the Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager are seperate,whereas in SQL Server 2005 both were combined as Management Studio.

-       In Sql 2005,the new datatype XML is used,whereas in Sql 2000 there is no such datatype

-       The most significant change is the .NET integration with SQL SERVER 2005. Stored procedures, user-defined functions, triggers, aggregates, and user-defined types can now be written using your own favorite .NET language (VB.NET, C#, J# etc.). This support was not there in SQL SERVER 2000 where the only language was T-SQL. In SQL 2005, you have support for two languages T-SQL and .NET.

-       SQL SERVER 2005 has reporting services for reports which is a newly added feature and does not exist for SQL SERVER 2000. It was a separate installation for SQL Server 2000




Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database.


First Normal Form (1NF) - Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.

Second Normal Form (2NF) - Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in separate tables.

Third Normal Form (3NF) - Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.

Fourth Normal Form (4NF) - A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.